Color Copiers

When you are buying a copier in the Richmond area, it is important that you consider how much your company uses color copies. Color copies are more expensive than black and white but they can add a lot to Color Cardthe documents that your clients deserve. You should have a very good idea about how much of each kind of copies you make each month. You should also have a very good idea about the kind of paper that you use every month. Different kinds of paper will be more expensive but it’s important to know what you need to meet each clients needs.

You should also consider the difference in cost between a printer and copier. Copying pages is less expensive than a printer per page so if you are making a lot of copies per month, you should consider a copier.

Once you have a good idea about what your usage rate is, you will have a really good idea about what kind of copier you need. If your Richmond area business is ready to upgrade its office devices and wants to consider getting a great copier or printer, please give us a call at (804) 554-5443 and we would love the opportunity to do work with you.
