Xerox Colorqube 8900 in Richmond

The Xerox Colorqube 8700 belongs in the offices of Richmond

Richmond has a great history that dates back to the foundation of the USA. The businesses in the city are wise. The business owners know what technology to buy and what tech to leave alone. The Xerox Colorqube 8700 is a piece of technology that should be in every office around the city. It is a complex bit of machinery that can elevate a business above the rest.

Most people don’t realize how much amazing technology goes in to a MFP of this caliber. It is easy to just hit the on button and copy the pages needed. However, this piece of equipment is firmly a part of the digital age. It has two gigs of RAM and a 320-gigabyte hard-drive. Combine that with great networking capability and you have a full-sized computer.

The high-tech features of this device wouldn’t matter if it didn’t print well. The 8700 is designed to be one of the best MFP in its class. The colors are bright and vivid and the black is dark. The ink lasts as well, creating documents that will survive the ages.

This is a great device. Do you have questions about it? We’d love to talk. Give us a call about this product today!
